The pandemic has created a lot of stress and anxiety for many, especially during lockdowns. Enforced isolation, worry about friends and family, and of course significant worry about your health and that of those around you. However, some of you may feel that life has been simplified in some ways. The daily treadmill of working, socialising, exercising, raising children, spending time with family and friends, cooking, cleaning…..it’s a lot. If you were constantly busy pre-pandemic, perhaps it has given you the opportunity to help create a bit of downtime to just…..be.
However you’re feeling two years into the pandemic, we want to introduce the power of fragrance. Be it as perfume, candles, in a diffuser, or even a little on your mask, it has the power to provide focus, mood change and boost positivity. Some essential oils even boast medicinal properties.

Aromatherapy is just that - therapy through aroma. Essential oils are extracted from various plant parts, including flowers, leaves, twigs and pericarp (skin and rind etc.), with each purported to have specific physical and mental benefits. It is said that many people suffering from insomnia, for example, are experiencing an autonomic nervous system that is not balanced or in harmony. Lavender essential oil contains linalyl acetate and linalool, sedative ingredients that work speedily on the brain and switch on the parasympathetic nerve activity. In other words, just smelling the scent of lavender makes it easier to relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Some essential oils are also said to have medicinal benefits. Tea Tree, which grows in Australia, is a star essential oil well worth remembering! Its main ingredient is terpinen-4-ol, known for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effects. Even though it has strong antibacterial properties, it is safe to be used even undiluted, meaning if you apply it to acne with a cotton swab, it can speed up the healing process. In the early winter season, when colds and flu are prevalent, tea tree boosts immunity and balances the mind and body.
Eucalyptus is also a popular essential oil, and is said to have hundreds of varieties. Among the many varieties, Eucalyptus Radiata is especially versatile and gentle to use, with a gentle scent. This is popular with koalas too! It supports the nose and throat, and is effective to combat symptoms such as sneezing and a runny nose. It can also relieve coughing and has expectorant benefits. Just like tea tree, it has antibacterial, antiviral and excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and benefits from a gloriously refreshing scent.
Our Eucalyptus and Tea Tree Mist and Cream are perfect if you’re looking to enjoy the benefits of these two essential oils. Not only can they be used to combat the symptoms of hayfever and allergies, they are perfect for calming the skin if you're suffering from chafing or chapped skin from nose-blowing or mask-wearing.

Hand-washing has also taken on much more of a focus in the last two years - we all washed hands before, but 20-second hand-washing and constant use of antibacterial hand gel when out and about has significantly increased the strain on our hands. Try and choose hand creams that contain oatmeal, which is gentle on the skin and highly moisturising. In addition to Tea Tree, rosemary is also beneficial. Its scent instantly refreshes the mind and can help you feel more positive.
Our wonderful Original Moisturiser also works wonders - it’s blended with colloidal oatmeal, almond oil, jojoba oil and cocoa butter, and formulated using a luxurious blend of 4 essential oils – Lavender, Neroli, Chamomile and Rose. Perfect for face, body and hands, it can help support your skin’s natural ability to retain water, meaning happy and healthy skin.
Essential oils can be expertly blended to provide targeted benefits in one fabulous aroma. How wonderful is it that we can harness these blessings of nature, with seemingly infinite powers and possibilities?
- Adapted from an article by Wellness & Beauty Journalist Ms. Naoko Kubo.